The primary goal is to develop an N4O Object Ontology (N4O OO) for the Knowledge Graph, which is being developed primarily by the VZG in Task Area 5, supported by the NFDI4Objects. Its content is being coordinated in close cooperation with the (humanities and cultural sciences) MoU group in order to establish interoperability in the humanities and cultural sciences. Other neighboring consortia, such as NFDI4Earth, NFDI4Biodiversity, etc. will also be included in order to cover the natural science aspects. The ontology contains elements of an object biography, which is based on the CIDOC-CRM reference model, among other things, and is based on a minimal metadata set (N4O MMDS). The N4O derivative of the NFDIcore ontology ends with a digital resource (nfdi:Resource), e.g. nfdi:Dataset or nfdi:SemanticExpressivity, where the N4O OO docks. All these steps are carried out through a joint discussion with the task areas, corresponding TWGs and community clusters.