CC Protected Heritage Sites
Exchange and discussion forum on RDM topics in the field of monument protection and conservation.
The Community Cluster Protected Heritage Sites is an interest group that discusses research data management topics in the field of monument preservation and identifies needs. We create a forum for exchange among all stakeholders in specialist authorities, academia, and practice who deal with monument data, in order to integrate them into the standardization work of NFDI4Objects and to consider their respective needs. Our goal is to create a space that broadly represents the community.
Together, we aim to develop data models that facilitate the cross-regional exchange of data in the field of monument preservation and conservation. The main focus is on spatial data, the associated metadata, and the legal status of the objects, as well as the related technical vocabulary (thesauri). As part of the work of Task Area 4 of NFDI4Objects, data models will first be defined, which will then serve as a basis for interfaces or geodata services.
More information about the objectives can be found on the portal.
Email distribution list
Meeting minutes and documents
Johanne Lefeldt
Coordinator of Task Area 4 in NFDI4Objects
Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz
Constituting Meeting
The first meeting of the cluster will take place on March 17, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM online via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 931 5200 8530
Passcode: 017928
Registration is not required!
Content-wise, we plan to start the discussion directly after a brief introduction of the cluster. For this purpose, we will present initial drafts for data models in the areas of monuments/find sites, measures, protected areas, and citizen science. These drafts will serve as a basis for discussion. In upcoming meetings, we will also discuss access groups and tiered release of professional information.
Following the constituting meeting, there will be further meetings at monthly or bi-monthly intervals.