Aim of this TWG is the comprehensive evaluation of the current research data management (RDM) landscape in the field of conservation/restoration and heritage conservation. Existing domain-specific technical standards with regard to vocabularies and interfaces, the subject-specific representation/coverage in existing standard files, controlled vocabularies and ontologies as well as accessible and already established web applications and software are to be collected and evaluated in accordance with the planning in the N4O application.

With this evaluation, the current status quo in the handling of research data related to monuments, conservation and restoration will be determined. The aim is to closely involve the specialist community, among other things by conducting new and evaluating existing quantitative online surveys, as well as by examining existing online resources of individual institutions with regard to the FAIR principles.

The knowledge gained will be compiled and analysed, resulting in a needs-oriented prioritization of the fields of action in the TA4 work programme. The collection of existing standards, vocabularies and online resources will be systematically listed and prepared for integration into the Commons catalog.


Meeting of the Community Cluster Protected Heritage Sites

Invitation to the constitutive meeting on March 17, 2025


CC Protected Heritage Sites

Exchange and discussion forum on RDM topics in the field of monument protection and conservation.