Integration vorhandener kontrollierter Vokabulare in den Vokabularkatalog “”
The primary goal is to enhance the existing service “” by adding new vocabularies that are currently not publicly accessible. These vocabularies should, at minimum, be made available under an open license (1-star according to the 5-star data model), such as downloadable PDF files, ensuring at least a readable understanding.
Additionally, they should be prepared in SKOS format (5 stars). The latter enables users to reuse the vocabulary more flexibly and simplifies the import of vocabulary into the DANTE service of the VZG. To achieve this, further development of FAIRification tools and workflows for the SKOSification of existing structured vocabularies is required.
As such, the tasks for the TWG are as follows: (1) selection of suitable vocabularies for SKOSification, (2) content quality assurance of the prepared vocabularies, and (3) professional support in the development and documentation of a technical workflow.