The use of generally valid vocabularies is essential for the standardized and sustainable digital recording of own collection holdings, their presentation and linking with other databases. However, standard data and terminology are subject to constant change and expansion. Maintaining and updating the integrated vocabularies is time-consuming.

With DANTE, users are provided with a webservice that enables the integration of standard data (services) and terminologies into their own records. To date, 160 vocabularies are available via DANTE. These include recognized vocabularies such as the Gemeinsame Normdatendatei (GND) of the German National Library, Getty Vocabularies or GeoNames. However, in-house vocabularies can also be integrated and mapped to other vocabularies so that as much standard data as possible can be linked to the data set without much effort. This makes your own data more visible, comparable and linkable with data from other collections or portals. At the same time, these smaller vocabularies, e.g. on material and technology or ethnicity, can in turn be made available to third parties for further use, resulting in further standardization and networking.

The interoperability of the data is guaranteed by the central maintenance of the vocabularies by the Göttingen Central Office (VZG). The user institutions do not need any additional personnel or financial capacities to always have access to the latest versions of the standard data and terminology.