Research tool and repository for archaeobotanical data

ArboDat is a software package for registering and importing data from archaeobotanical analyses, including contexts of samples, as well as evaluation tools, e.g. for preparing tables for publications. It has been developed since 1997 as a product of the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen, Wiesbaden/Germany (HessenARCHÄOLOGIE) under the direction of Prof. Angela Kreuz.

As part of ArboDat+ we are working on a novel implementation of the archaeobotanical database program ArboDat, with the aim of promoting its establishment in the national and international community. To this goal, the software will be re-implemented as a more accessible database system. It is also being developed into a more simplified, flexible and multilingual version. However, the functionality and structure of the original program should be widely kept to enable the easy data transfer into ArboDat+. Additional features and suggestions will be considered as far as possible.