NFDI4Objects offers services, processes, assistance and training to increasingly organise the research data management of the material heritage from more than 3 million years of human history according to the FAIR criteria and thus make it more usable for research in the long term.

This material heritage is researched by means of interdisciplinary analyses of man-made objects. These objects are embedded in multifaceted contexts, which in turn result in a complex biography of each object. NFDI4Objects aims to map these life stories of each object with the help of the object biography corresponding to the data life cycle and the FAIR principles. The life cycle stages of an individual object (discovery, documentation, salvage, reconstruction, collection and analysis) can be mapped using the object biography. In this way, our material heritage can be interpreted, researched and experienced in ever new ways.

Shelf with skulls from the digital cast collection of the Neanderthal Museum Foundation.
© Stiftung Neanderthal Museum

Our work programme

As the example of the object biography illustrates, archaeological research is data-intensive. This is why universities, heritage conservation authorities and non-university research institutions either have their own storage resources, use state or regional data centres or a combination of both. Our community is characterised by a broad technical discourse on connecting these systems via standard protocols and services and linking them to other scientific domains. As many of these implementations are based on key technologies of free software and open specifications, there is a high potential for integrating existing but not yet interoperable repositories.

Employee in front of a screen with a digital microscope in the background.
© H.Wendling, Archäologische Staatsammlung

The work programme of NFDI4Objects is based on the identified needs of our community. Our individual task areas are thematically aligned to the different types of data and develop solutions for the challenges of research data management in the field of material heritage.

Three seahorses, one of them in one hand for closer inspection, lying on a surface.
© Kay Fuhrmann, Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch Oldenburg

Measures and Tasks

Task Area 1: Documentation

  • M1.1 Field Data: processes and standards

    • T1.1.1 Catalogue and evaluate existing standards and tools for field data
    • T1.1.2 Develop and harmonise standards for archaeological prospection, excavations and field surveys
    • T1.1.3 Harmonise, develop and ensure interoperability of data capture tools
    • T1.1.4 Analyse requirements for standards and services for historical building re-search
    • Measure 1.2 Remote sensing and sensor data: processes and Standards
    • T1.2.1 Catalogue and evaluate existing standards and tools for remote sensing and sensor technology
    • T1.2.2 Develop and harmonise standards for remote sensing and sensor technology
    • T1.2.3 Harmonise and ensure interoperability of processing software for remote sensing and sensor technology
  • Measure 1.3 Georeferenced 3D data: processes and standards

    • T1.3.1Catalogue and evaluate existing standards and tools for 3D data
    • T1.3.2Develop and harmonise standards for capturing, documenting and processing contextualised 3D data
    • T1.3.3Evaluate and develop tools to generate and produce 3D data
  • Measure 1.4 Spatiotemporal data: processes and standards

    • T1.4.1 Catalogue and evaluate existing standards and tools for chronological concepts and geodata
    • T1.4.2 Develop and harmonise standards for capturing, documenting and processing complex geodata
    • T1.4.3 Evaluate and develop tools to integrate chronological concepts and geodata
  • Measure 1.5 Enhancing the sustainability of legacy data

    • T1.5.1 Define archivable data and data worth preserving in a catalogue of criteria
    • T1.5.2 Establish strategies for converting non-valid, proprietary and insufficiently documented data into data worth preserving
  • Measure 1.6 Harmonisation and mapping of TA-specific authority files

    • T1.6.1 Catalogue and systematise existing authority files
    • T1.6.2 Map the individual sets of authority files
    • T1.6.3 Develop and provide authority files

Task Area 2: Collecting

  • M2.1 Data interoperability and exchange for collection research

    • T2.1.1 Define different data access and authorisation levels to fulfil legal, ethical or research strategy requirements across different collection research domains
    • T2.1.2 Improve and implement TA-specific standards, required metadata fields and specifications for collection management systems and domain-specific research collections
    • T2.1.3 Improve and implement TA-specific standards and specifications to im-prove the integration of distributed systems for research collections into domain-specific object data hubs
    • T2.1.4 Improve and implement TA-specific standards for research collections and provenance research to improve the integration of distributed systems for research collections into major and object collection union systems
    • T2.1.5 Create and establish TA-specific standards and specifications for RDM in provenance research
  • M2.2 Data standardisation and knowledge modelling for collection research

    • T2.2.1 Catalogue and semantically align existing authority files, community-driven vocabularies and ontologies in research collections
    • T2.2.2 Create and develop interoperable authority files, community-driven vocabularies and ontologies for research collections as well as major and collection union systems
    • T2.2.3 Create and develop interoperable authority files and community-driven vocabularies for research collections and provenance research
    • T2.2.4 Create and implement TA-specific standards, interfaces and domain-specific aspects of knowledge modelling in research collections and provenance research
  • M2.3 Services and tools for collection research

    • T2.3.1 Catalogue existing services and tools for the FAIRification of research collections and provenance research
    • T2.3.2 Implement and improve FAIRification tools for aspects of domain-specific knowledge modelling in collection research
    • T2.3.3 Implement and improve FAIRification tools for managing data quality and semantic alignments in authority files and community-driven vocabularies for research collections and provenance research
    • T2.3.4 Implement and improve FAIRification tools for retrieving objects across distributed research collections and domain-specific object data hubs

Task Area 3: Analytics and Experiments

  • M3.1 Data models and interfaces: development, curation and enhancement

    • T3.1.1 Create meta-thesauri for analytics and experiment
    • T3.1.2 Improve in-silicio analytical tools, laboratories and repositories and best practices
    • T3.1.3 Develop generic data structures, models and tools for lab/experiment protocols
    • T3.1.4 Harmonise existing metadata models
    • T3.1.5 Identify and link existing data repositories
    • T3.1.6 Create an online data service, helpdesk and basic tools
  • M3.2 From geoarchaeology to artefact: process-related archaeometry and material sciences

    • T3.2.1 Compare existing research repositories and create the specification for an overarching research service, Georesources in Human History (GeoHist)
    • T3.2.2 Develop a Landscapes, Soils and Mineral Deposits online repository (DBM, University Cologne)
    • T3.2.3 Analyse requirements for a Metals online repository, incorporating existing repositories
    • T3.2.4 Analyse requirements for a Glass online repository, incorporating existing repositories
    • T3.2.5 Analyse requirements for a Ceramics online repository, incorporating existing repositories
    • T3.2.6 Analyse requirements for a Provenance and Pb Isotopes online repository, incorporating existing repositories
    • T3.2.7 Assess and ensure interoperability based on example datasets (see TRAIL 3.5) and those of other NFDI consortia
  • M3.3 Humans, plants and animals as agents and resources

    • T3.3.1 Develop an online research service, ArboDAT+
    • T3.3.2 Incorporate tools and repositories for seeds/fruits/macro-botany
    • T3.3.3 Integrate OssoBook (SAPM/SNSB München) into the NFDI4Objects online services
    • T3.3.4 Develop an online research service, Archaeogenetics, based on Poseidon
    • T3.3.5 Assess and ensure interoperability between these services and those of other NFDI consortia
    • M3.4 Experiments, reconstruction, replication and reproduction
    • T3.4.1 Develop an Experiments and Replication online repository
    • T3.4.2 Develop a Traceology online repository
    • T3.4.3 Assess and ensure interoperability between these services and those of other NFDI consortia
  • M3.5 Commons contribution and coordination

    • T3.5.1 Build community
    • T3.5.2 Establish common ground: standards, protocols and guidelines for science-based archaeology (see DiS, AEST in M3.1)
    • T3.5.3 Develop and pilot training concepts
    • T3.5.4 Actively mediate between ECs and CCs: science meets the public
    • T3.5.5 Enable internal consortium coordination and knowledge transfer
    • T3.5.6 Develop demand-oriented operating models for services in TA3

Task Area 4: Protecting

  • M4.1 Interfaces and standards for availability of monument and restoration-related data

    • T4.1.1 Evaluate standards and interfaces for the exchange of data relating to monuments, sites, objects and protection measures
    • T4.1.2 Define information access levels
    • T4.1.3 Develop a standard and an interface for site and monument data
    • T4.1.4 Develop a standard and an interface for data relating to heritage management measures
    • T4.1.5 Develop a standard and an interface for data relating to protected status/legal effect
    • T4.1.6 Develop an ontology for conservation and restoration processes and historical/prehistoric manufacturing/production techniques
    • T4.1.7 Development and implementation of interfaces for conservation and restoration processes
    • T4.1.8 Develop a standard/interface for volunteers’ data (citizen science)
  • M4.2 Mapping monument and restoration-related community-driven vocabularies and ontologies

    • T4.2.1 Catalogue existing authority files, community-driven vocabularies and ontologies
    • T4.2.2 Map existing authority files and community-driven vocabularies to chronology and dating
    • T4.2.3 Map existing authority files and community-driven vocabularies for addressing (measures in) monuments and sites
    • T4.2.4 Map existing community-driven vocabularies on protected status and its legal im-pacts
    • T4.2.5 Map existing authority files and community-driven vocabularies on conservation, restoration and production materials as well as methods and conservation state
    • T4.2.6 Create new and map existing authority files and community-driven vocabularies on historical/prehistoric manufacturing/production techniques
    • T4.2.7 Create and develop interoperable authority files, community-driven vocabularies and ontologies for monuments and conservation science, as well as major and collection union systems
  • M4.3 Specifying web-based (geo)services for monument and restoration-related data

    • T4.3.1 Evaluate existing online data services and FAIRification tools for sites/heritage objects, protected areas, measures and data relating to objects and restoration
    • T4.3.2 Develop a joint (geo)data service for data on sites and monument data
    • T4.3.3 Develop a joint (geo)data service for data relating to measures
    • T4.3.4 Develop a joint (geo)data service for data on protected status/impact
    • T4.3.5 Develop a joint (geo)data service for volunteers’ data (citizen science)
    • T4.3.6 Develop an interactive web-based knowledge management FAIRification tool for conservation and restoration processes and historical/prehistoric manufacturing/production techniques
  • M4.4 Commons contribution and coordination

    • T4.4.1 Community building, mediation and supporting CCs and TWGs
    • T4.4.2 Establish common ground: Services for monuments and conservation related data
    • T4.4.3 Develop and pilot training concepts
    • T4.4.4 Enable internal consortium coordination and knowledge transfer

Task Area 5: Storage, Access and Dissemination

  • M5.1 Provide core services for subject-specific LTA (IANUS, including provision of tools for creation of data management plans (RDMO) and develop/scale these services as required

    • T5.1.1 Provide core services for subject-specific LTA (IANUS, and develop/scale these as required
    • T5.1.2 Document existing LTA interfaces for subsequent use of established analysis and documentation software
    • T5.1.3 Identify missing LTA interfaces to define technical specifications, properties and archiving formats for specific data types, formats and origin contexts
    • T5.1.4 Implement, test and adapt new LTA interfaces in data entry systems (ADABweb, iDAI.field, ArchaeoDocs, Goobi, KuniWeb) and repositories (DAM)
    • T5.1.5 Implement new LTA interfaces in archive systems (IANUS,
    • T5.1.6 Develop specific LTA interfaces for long-tail/legacy data
    • T5.1.7 Develop the IANUS IT recommendations
  • M5.2 Quality assurance of NFDI4Objects data through curation and validation

    • T5.2.1 Develop a FAIR catalogue of technical, formal and content criteria and key properties for object-related qualitative data and metadata
    • T5.2.2 Based on the criteria in T5.2.1, develop tools to support (partly) automated data validation process
    • M5.3 IT services for authority and metadata from TA1–4
    • T5.3.1 Operate DANTE as a core service to provide authority data and vocabularies from TA1–4 and adapt these to integrate new subject-specific vocabularies and functionalities
    • T5.3.2 Operate and develop existing software solutions to capture and maintain metadata in a standardised way (kuniweb, Goobi, ADABweb, ArchaeoDox, iDAI.field)
  • M5.4 Discovery system as single access point for subject-specific information

    • T5.4.1 Create a concept for the discovery system and for processing the harvested metadata
    • T5.4.2 Develop a technical backend for the concept developed in T5.4.1
    • T5.4.3 Enrich data from the metadata index by automatic named entity recognition and make it available in a web service
    • T5.4.4 Develop a search and retrieval front end for the website and an app for mobile devices
  • M5.5 Provision and networking of NFDI4Objects data

    • T5.5.1 Analyse the existing PID systems/services (e.g. for granularity), formulate best practices and develop an object-specific PID concept
    • T5.5.2 Provide core services for specialised, integrated digital publications (Propylaeum, AV-Portal, KuLaDig) and advisory services for the specialist community (second-level helpdesk)
  • M5.6 Commons contribution and coordination

    • T5.6.1 Coordinate the work meeting to approve and publish white and blue papers on the NFDI4OBJECTS Commons with TA7
    • T5.6.2 Coordinate the development of core services, in consultation with TA7
    • T5.6.3 Coordinate and provide quality assurance for standardised vocabularies from TA1–4, in consultation with TA7
    • T5.6.4 Coordinate the second-level helpdesk for TA5 services, in consultation with TA7
    • T5.6.5 Coordinate collaboration with services not developed within, but used by, NFDI4OBJECTS (e.g. AV Portal), in consultation with TA7
    • T5.6.6 Enable community engagement and knowledge transfer via cluster discussions and community activities, coordinated by TA7

Task Area 6: Qualification, Integration and Harmonisation

  • M6.1 Data skills: establishing prerequisites

    • T6.1.1 Create a systematic catalogue of existing courses and trainee programmes
    • T6.1.2 Define a multi-faceted competence framework
    • T6.1.3 Derive qualification profiles
  • M6.2 Qualification: meeting all community needs

    • T6.2.1 Create and disseminate Open Educational Ressources (OER)
    • T6.2.2 Hold qualification and training events
    • T6.2.3 Exchange knowledge between research data management professionals
  • M6.3 Improving integration and harmonisation of NFDI4Objects data

    • T6.3.1 Create an inventory of data and metadata format and standards used in TAs 1–4
    • T6.3.2 Create an inventory of authority files, ontologies and community-driven vocabularies used in TA1–4
    • T6.3.3 Define core requirements for object data and best practices
    • T6.3.4 Suggest mappings of metadata, ontologies and vocabularies
  • M6.4 Objects in context: modelling the interdisciplinary research cycle on objects

    • T6.4.1 Create an overview of existing approaches to modelling objects in Web Ontology Language (OWL)
    • T6.4.2 Design the NFDI4OBJECTS Core Ontology
    • T6.4.3 Design query patterns to enable interdisciplinary research by allowing simple and tailored queries
    • T6.4.4 Implement the prototype of the NFDI4OBJECTS Core Ontology
  • M6.5 Commons contribution and coordination

    • T6.5.1 Build community and support Community Clusters and Temporary Working Groups
    • T6.5.2 Develop and pilot training concepts
    • T6.5.3 Coordinate knowledge transfer between consortia vocabularies

Task Area 7: Support and Coordination

  • M7.1 Administrative coordination

    • T7.1.1 Develop a virtual workspace and staff a functioning Coordination Office for NFDI4OBJECTS at the main applicant institution
    • T7.1.2 Coordinate and control financial flows, contract management and their reporting
    • T7.1.3 Ensure diversity and gender balance among consortium staff and roles in Community Clusters, Advisory Board and General Assembly
    • T7.1.4 Establish structures for exchange on cross-cutting topics and their specification with other consortia and sections in NFDI e.V.
    • T7.1.5 Implement integrated public relations for NFDI4OBJECTS, including corporate design and targeted advertisements through appropriate communication channels and participation in events to promote NFDI content to the professional community
    • T7.1.6 Design and implement incentive systems for use of NFDI4OBJECTS services and NFDI guidelines fostering the cultural change in research data management (selection process and criteria for awarding Flex Funds in M7.1)
    • T7.1.7 Manage the internal evaluation of the NFDI4OBJECTS programme in year 3, to optimise the work of the consortium (see section 3.1)
  • M7.2 NFDI4Objects Helpdesk and website

    • T7.2.1 Conceptualise, develop and implement an open NFDI4OBJECTS website with a central helpdesk
    • T7.2.2 Establish a workflow to collect and consolidate community and user requests to the central helpdesk and make them available to the whole community
    • T7.2.3 Implement the helpdesk, providing advice and assistance on research data management to the NFDI4OBJECTS Community
    • T7.2.4 Advise on legal tasks, supported by the legal departments of the co-applicant institutions (and those of other consortia, e.g. NFDI4Culture, NFDI4Earth, FAIRAgro) and on technical implementations for software to automate extraction of licence, legal and provenance information
    • T7.2.5 Monitor and evaluate user activity on helpdesk and assess learning progress through regular community surveys
  • M7.3 Governance processes and NFDI4Objects Commons

    • T7.3.1 Coordinate CCs and TWGs to offer low-threshold meetings to the community
    • T7.3.2 Define content criteria for NFDI4OBJECTS Commons as a regulatory framework for consortium work
    • T7.3.3 Direct and monitor the development of ethical guidelines to respect FAIR and CARE principles as a contribution to the NFDI4OBJECTS Commons valuable for the entire NFDI
    • T7.3.4 Develop a Commons section on the NFDI4OBJECTS website
    • T7.3.5 Support the workflow and implementation for Commons documents
  • M7.4 Service Integration and supervision

    • T7.4.1 Establish transparent and community-based processes to identify conflict between different NFDI4OBJECTS services and products
    • T7.4.2 Develop processes and guidelines for redundancy-free and sustainable system integration (software, formats, interfaces)
    • T7.4.3 Manage the workflow for integrating new contributions and services into NFDI4OBJECTS
    • T7.4.4 Support decision-making processes and the technical implementation of best practice and development models
    • T7.4.5 Ensure interface compatibility for technical convergence and sustainable structures
Coin is held and examined with a technical device.
© Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften/ Universität Heidelberg, CC-BY-SA 4.0

Community Cluster

A needs analysis we carried out within the research community before the start of the project showed that research data management requires dialogue and solutions that go beyond established specialist communities. The community clusters were founded to pool common interests in research data management. The community clusters are made up of members of the consortium, external specialists and other interested individuals, regardless of their status at NFDI4Objects. They meet regularly, usually in digital form, document the results of their work, initiate temporary working groups and participate in the creation of documents for NFDI4Objects commons. Due to their composition, the Community Clusters are a key to effectively meeting the challenges of research data management in the long term and at the same time always remaining close to the needs of the community.

An overview of all Community Cluster can be found in the portal.

People in the background of an excavation, in front an employee examines the excavation site.
© Stadt Hofheim / Jonathan Vorrath

Temporary Working Groups

The Temporary Working Groups (TWGs) in NFDI4Objects work on specific and clearly defined tasks for a limited period of time. They are intended to drive forward the development of standards and specifications and are developed along thematic lines.

The establishment of a TWG can be initiated based on the needs of the community and/or a task area. On the one hand, they allow the work programme of the task areas to be implemented and, on the other hand, they enable the community clusters to launch their own initiatives that are not yet covered by the consortium’s work programme.

The formation of a TWG must be proposed by at least one co-applicant. The members of a TWG are appointed by the spokesperson following a call for participation. A TWG is dissolved as soon as the objectives of the initiative have been achieved, if it merges with another TWG or if it has become inactive.

An overview of all Temporary Working Groups can be found in the portal.

Employee photographs small animal statuette.
© Archäologische Staatssammlung, H. Wendling


TRAILs (Task Related Activities for Implementation and Launch of Services) are the pilot projects in NFDI4Objects.

Various institutions are involved in these pilots, which receive funding from NFDI4Objects for a clearly defined research objective over a fixed term. The aim of the TRAILs in NFDI4Objects is to contribute to a broad, sustainable and innovative development of the consortium and to clearly specify the work programme.

For the first round of TRAILs, there was an open call for concepts during the application phase of NFDI4Objecst at the German Research Foundation (DFG). Of all the applications, 19 TRAILs were selected and integrated into the work programme.

The next call for a second round of TRAILs will start in 2025 and we would like to offer our community another opportunity to participate in the consortium work. During the second Call for TRAILs, organisations can present their own innovative project proposals and thus drive the expansion of NFDI4Objects.

An overview of our current TRAILS, the responsible contact persons and the participating institutions can be found in our portal.

Employee controls a drone over an excavation.
© Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart